beer before liquor
Actually i dont know who made this rule and seriously I don't know what is wrong what is right?
but I know one thing don't take idea from others, listen to your heart only because he is genius. else everyone who is giving you suggestion. even I am not sure its a myth or fact. let them go to hell. because if you will take idea from others or you will act according to other's mind. you will be confused because everyone is full with confusion, even he is not able to solve his own confusion, but always ready to give suggestion. so be careful from them and do whatever works for you. Many people think that Beer is a softer drink in comparison of whisky or vodaka and brandy. so if they are not use to hard drink. if they starting in initial they can start with beer and after that slowly slowly they can move to higher. some people think that starting with hard drink first than switch with beer. but the fact is if you are consuming alcohol in any form like beer, vodaka, rum, whisky. it will harm you, it can make you sick.
even in my thinking it was liquor before beer you are in the clear and beer before liquor make you sicker. my one very close friend said it all depends on the amount how much you drink, nothing else. he shared his experience with me. even you will not believe the Germans who have been drinking for the thousand of years say that beer before wine is always fine. so that I told you first that everyone will give you his own made formula.
let me tell you a interesting story yesterday night my uncle taken three bottles of beer after a few shots of whisky and h started vomiting and fell sick. I don't know from where he has got this idea but after this he has decided to change this idea. this time he think to star fro whisky and finish with beer. I don't know this idea is going to work for him or not. but I am sure next time he will use his own mind atleast. and this will be better for him.
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